Round Turn and Two Half Hitches
Not a very pretty name for a useful knot. It's used to tie up your boat on a ring or other fastening. I use it to quickly attach bumpers to the side of the boat. It's one of the multi purpose knots and its not too hard to take apart. Its better if there is some tension on the knot otherwise it can wiggle free. This is probably the second knot you will learn if you take a sailing course after the Bowline.
Making the Round Turn and Two Half Hitches Knot.
Adding more turns or more half hitches makes the round turn and two half hitches knot more secure. Keep making the half hitches in the same direction.
A nice thing about this knot is that you can throw a few turns on a ring and they will take the tension off and you can get the half hitches on with one hand. Another nice thing about it is that it's easy to remember how to tie this knot.
Ten Essential Knots links
Compare the 5 most common rope material in boatingAnimated Knots by GROG
Ropers Knots
Trade Names of materials used for Ropes
Polypropylene rope floats but is sensitive to UV Good for dinghy ropes and water skiing
Nylon rope is strong and absorbs shocks Often found in climbing ropes and mooring or anchor lines.
Polyester makes a strong low stretch rope It is the most common rope material on sailboats. Often used as outside braid in composite ropes.
UHMW (Dyneema) Ropes are ultra strong and chemically resistant but it is very slippery and knots often untie.
Aramid (Kevlar) is very strong but sensitive to shock loads. Chlorine bleach destroys ropes made of aramid.
Characteristics of Kevlar with comparison charts
Fireman's Coil keep a rope tidy and untangled
Truckers hitch is useful when tying a boat on a car because it can be tightened.
French language knot site. Nice Video demonstrations. The word for marine knot is NOEUD MARIN
Small Print
Improper use of knots can be dangerous. Know how to tie them properly and what knot to use when.