I taught English in Korea

In 1998-1999 I taught English in Wonju, a smallish town South East of Seoul. This web site is a record, in no particular order, of my random thoughts and experiences.

My stay in Wonju was one of the great events of my life and ten years later I still think about Korea almost every day.

I am slowly editing the links to eliminate dead ones, but othewise the site in unchanged. I had lost the passwords and for 10 years could not access the website to edit it. Prices and some information (such as links to the internet) have changed and I hope the reader will filter what is presented here.

What remains as current as the day it was written is the remarkable spirit of the Korean People.


Teaching in Korea

my photo
On this page I would like to share my experience teaching English in Korea. I teach in Wonju on a one year contract. So far its a great experience. As an extra bonus I love Korean food.

Korea Finding a Job in Korea Korea Korean Food Korea Cycling in Wonju
Korea Net Connection Korea What to Take to Korea Korea Wonju Walking Festival
Korea Wonju Korea Chiaksan Mountain Korea My School
Korea Links about Korea Korea Kyonju, Shilla Capital Korea Korean Paper Making
On New Years Eve I had an amazing experience, I climbed Taebaek San. A mountain on the east coast of Korea, to see the sunrise.

E mail me, I love to get mail.

email me in Korea